self-paced program

  1. Welcome to Fueling for Endurance!

  2. Module 1: Fueling BEFORE Endurance Sports

  3. Module 2: Fueling DURING Endurance Sports

  4. Module 3: Fueling AFTER Endurance Sports

  5. Module 4: Hydrating for Endurance Sports

  • $99.00
  • 10 lessons
  • Meal & Snack Options
  • Downloadable Resources

Who is this program for?

This program is specifically designed for endurance athletes. Whether you're recreational or competitive, this program helps you fuel & hydrate to prevent "bonking" or "hitting a wall."

  • Running & Trail Running

  • Road & Mountain Biking

  • Cross-Country Skiing

  • Splitboarding and ski touring

  • Virtually any endurance sport!